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Winter Spice Pot Pourri 250g

Product code: G13-021

  • £2.99

Winter Spice Christmas Pot Pourri Apple & Cinnamon Scented Botanicals 250g Bag

Pan Aroma Winter Spice Pot Pourri 250g

Winter Spice Apple & Cinnamon Potpourri is a delightful blend of dried botanicals infused with the warm and inviting scents of winter spices, apple, and cinnamon. The potpourri combines the cozy and comforting aromas of winter spice, apple, and cinnamon. These scents work together to create a welcoming and festive ambiance, perfect for the colder months or the holiday season.

Potpourri is composed of a variety of dried botanicals such as flowers, leaves, berries, or other natural elements. These botanicals not only contribute to the fragrance but also add visual appeal, making the potpourri a decorative element.

You can place the potpourri in various locations, such as bowls, baskets, or decorative containers, to add fragrance to different rooms in your home. It's a versatile and easy way to enhance the atmosphere. The blend of colours and textures in the dried botanicals can complement your home decor, adding a touch of seasonal charm.

Potpourri is a safe and natural way to add fragrance to your home without the need for an open flame. It's a popular choice for those who want to enjoy scents without burning candles.

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